Bio image
Bio for little people:

Andrea loves reading. She reads all kinds of books: big people books, little people books, funny books, scary books, happy books, sad books, exciting books, not-so-exciting books and every kind of book you can imagine.

Andrea loves writing just as much as she loves reading, too. She likes to write about a lot of different things but mostly she likes to write stories. One story she wrote became a book! It's about a boy named Henry who loves to read with his parents. But, his parents are so busy, it's hard to get them to stop what they're doing and read with him. Henry has to use his imagination to try to get his parents to slow down, take a break from dishes, cooking, cleaning, gardening, and working at home, and read with him. He comes up with some pretty silly ways to get their attention!

Andrea hopes you'll enjoy reading her  book I MUSTACHE YOU TO READ WITH ME over and over again.  And, she hopes you will read with your family whenever you can.

Bio for big people:

Andrea Vilemont Moreau is a former librarian and English teacher. She earned her BA in Education from the University of New Orleans, her Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) from The University of Southern Mississippi, completed her Ph.D. in Instructional Technology (all but dissertation) at USM, and is a Nationally Board Certified Teacher. Throughout her 20+ years in teaching and librarianship, she has taught every grade level including Adult Education. She currently works as Branch Manager at the Kiln Library branch, part of the Hancock County Library System.

Andrea has always loved writing and was inspired by the encouragement of her mother, grandmother, and several English teachers when she was very young. It wasn't until she studied and wrote under the instruction and encouragement of world renowned poet Dr. Niyi Osundare of Nigeria, one of her favorite professors, that she truly considered attempting to write for publication.  Soon after, some of her poetry was published in Ellipsis, UNO's showcase of creative and scholarly work in the arts.

Since then, Andrea has written book reviews for Library Sparks Magazine and Mississippi Libraries.  Her articles have appeared in The Sea Coast Echo, Mississippi Libraries, and Gulf Coast Parents & Kids Magazine. Andrea formerly had a column in Parents & Kids, called Momspace. She also enjoys editing and has done freelance substantive and copy editing on several books for publication including  Kim: A Dying Child's Spiritual Legacy and Untaught and Unlearned Knowledge, both by Dr. Fred G. Womack, and has edited books for publication for Cactus Moon Publications.

I Mustache You to Read with Me was her first published children's book and is published by Brother Mockingbird Publishers. Andrea followed up her first book with the sequel, I Just Want to Read!. In the past couple years, Andrea has also written The New Orleans Saints Alphabet and Southern Jokes for Southern Kids.

Besides reading and writing, you can find Andrea, who describes herself as a city girl loving the country life, crafting and painting, collecting typewriters, teapots, pens, and owls, gardening, petting her dogs, running from bugs, and eating chocolate. Andrea is originally from New Orleans, Louisiana and now resides about an hour away, in Pass Christian, Mississippi with her husband, three children, and two silly dogs, Vincent and Libby.